Herbal Medicine:
Drs Kaity and Drew Collins have been studying Botanical Medicine for over forty years. We take the best herbal formulas from around the world and source them from Physician Approved vendors.
Whether acute or chronic illness, lifestyle support or Anti-Aging we keep up on the latest scientific research to bring exciting and powerful tools to your program. We are the Doctors that use Herbs as Medicine.
Biochemical Nutrition:
As Naturopathic Physicians we learn the chemistry behind Supplements. Have you ever been overwhelmed by choices in a Health Food Store? Do you get confused by the Internet specials and Newsletters latest buy one, get one free ads?
We know how and why to use Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, and more importantly what to use instead of drugs, what to use to offset the effects of your prescription medicines and if necessary we will prescribe the appropriate drug with the least side effects. Tell us your experience, concerns or interests on your first visit and we will integrate your program, so you can feel confident and listened to.