Chelation Therapy IV / IV Nutrition:
Dr. Drew Collins has carried forward the Chelation Therapy that was performed by Dr. Saccoman and Dr. David Howe according to the American College for the Advancement of Medicine (ACAM) protocol.
Thousands of patients have been treated with our individualized formulas using EDTA as the main chelator of heavy metals. While Chelation Therapy is known to treat Heart Disease, Diabetes, Kidney Disease, Depression, Muscle Aches, Fatigue, and much more can be helped as well.
Schedule a Chelation Challenge with our office to find out what kind of toxic Heavy Metals you have accumulated over the years.
IV Nutrition works by flooding every small capillary in your body with pharmaceutical grade nutrients. Old age, drug interference, dehydration, and muscle tension, prevent proper circulation of even the best nutrients from getting to where we need them.
After we establish you as a patient with an overview of medications, allergies and your health goals, Dr. Collins can create individualized formulas that work fast to get you back at work or get more out of play.
Try an IV of Magnesium and see how quickly your “Restless Legs Syndrome goes away.